Thursday, December 3, 2009

PR in Action

Our last assignment for PR Admin this semester is to upload a video depicting "PR in Action". My video is an interview with PR Admin classmate, Keri Allgood. She described her role in the Relay for Life Kickoff event and the success of it.
Like I've said in earlier posts, the Relay for Life Kickoff for Baldwin County was our big assignment for the semester for Dr. Miller's PR Admin class. We were split up in teams and we pitched our ideas to the Relay for Life Committee. There were about 5 groups and my group, which included myself, Kara Teresi and Lyric Burnette, won. I was in charge of decorations, Kara was in charge of food, and Lyric was in charge of everyone. The theme this year was "Celebrate a Memory" and the event was held on Tuesday, November 17. We spent all day Monday and Tuesday decorating and getting the food together. Everyone worked really hard and for the most part, stuck to our budget. Like Keri said in the video, I think the event was overall a success too.

See everyone in PR Campaigns next semester! I can't wait to work with everyone again!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Relay for Life Kickoff a Success!

I am so proud of my PR admin class, we put on a very successful Baldwin County Relay for Life Kickoff! Like I said in my earlier posts, I was in charge of decorations, so my committee and I worked all day Monday and Tuesday before the event to put up all of the themed "birthday" decorations.
This was one of my first big events and I was partially in charge of it so I wanted it to be perfect...and it was! Lyric and Kara were also in charge and you guys did awesome! Everyone worked so hard-Thank you for the awesome banner Courtney! Thank you for printing off all of those amazing black and white photos as well as being the ultimate cupcake maker Marianna! And of course thank you for the amazing and heart-felt slide show, Keri and Andrea! I could go on and on about all of the good work everyone did...
I hope next year's Relay for Life Kickoff is as successful as this year! So "Celebrate a Memory" and help out with this year's 25th anniversary Relay for Life.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A visit to William-Mills Agency in Atlanta

For Dr. Land's class, Advertising Admin., we had an assignment to visit an advertising agency. So Monday night I drove home just to wake up at 7 a.m. to face Atlanta traffic traveling to William-Mills Agency. In the back of my head I just kept wondering if I would be doing this in a year, traveling into Atlanta for work.
I was really nervous to meet with Kelly Williams, Senior VP of William-Mills, who had agreed to meet with me Tuesday at 10 a.m. He was a very nice guy and "showed me the ropes" of his PR firm. He gave me advice and kept repeating that "internships were key to getting a job". I also got a tour of his three-story office building. All in all it was a very informative, eye-opening experience and I feel really lucky I got this opportunity!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Not So Much Fun in the Sun

Does summertime mean tanning time for you? For 23-year-old Kenneth Burnsteen, or “KB” as he is known to his friends, every summer that goes by reminds him of his struggle with skin cancer.
KB was a very active 15-year-old boy. He played soccer for his high school team while keeping an “A” average in most of his classes. Though, none of his achievements and successes would prepare him for the struggles he would soon encounter.
When KB was 15 years old he was diagnosed with melanoma, or more commonly known as skin cancer. As a young, high school boy he went through two surgeries to remove the cancer as well as having six months of mild chemotherapy. For the first few months KB got IV treatments and then for the last five months he gave himself a shot every other day. This was a big responsibility, especially for a 15-year-old boy. KB continued to go to school throughout the treatment and he even kept playing competitive soccer.
“Soccer helped me keep my mind off of things. I was so young at the time that I didn’t fully understand the extreme situation I was in,” recalls KB.
For KB’s family, this was not the first time someone in the family had been diagnosed with cancer. KB’s mother was diagnosed with skin cancer earlier on in her life too.
“My family has learned that protecting your skin is very important. I put on sunscreen everywhere I go now,” says KB. “The scars on my neck from cancer are a daily reminder that I am lucky to be alive and that I must take care of my skin.”

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How Does an Epidemic Start?

Malcolm Gladwell’s, The Tipping Point, is a book about how epidemics get started. It’s called “The Tipping Point” because it discusses the factors or “tipping points” that make and cause an epidemic. This word-of-mouth phenomenon would be nothing if it wasn’t for mavens, connectors, and salesmen. As Gladwell says, there is always a point in the beginning that determines whether or not it will be an epidemic. It’s important to understand this as PR professionals because this is a skill we will have to master.

As I stated before, mavens, connectors, and salesmen are what cause “the tipping point”. So what causes an epidemic to stick? Connectors are the connecting factor that causes events and movements to spread. These are people that are known by a lot of people, as a reliable source of information. People trust what connectors have to say, which allows the message to continue. Connectors bring people from different cultures and sub groups together. For example, in Gladwell’s book he talks about Paul Revere. Paul Revere was a connector who passed information so quickly in a time where there were no phones or cars. Revere was carrying a very important piece of information and that was that the British were coming. The other type of person is called a “maven”. Mavens are the people who have the important information. These are the people who told Revere that the British were coming. The last type of person is called a “salesman” and they have “the skills to persuade us when we are unconvinced of what we are hearing, and they are as critical to the tipping of word-of-mouth epidemics as the other two groups” (page 70).

I believe I am a connector at heart. I know people in all sorts of different groups.
I also think I hold qualities of a salesperson too. I have always been good at persuading people. I was in charge of PR for Phi Mu one year and I had to persuade people to vote for our candidate for Homecoming.

Luckily, for our class, we get to experience The Tipping Point with a little more hands on approach, the Relay for Life kickoff. We are hoping to create awareness of cancer and hopefully little things like this kickoff will lead to big changes like a cure to cancer. As Gladwell states, “we need to prepare ourselves for the possibility that sometimes big changes follow from small events, and that sometimes these changes can happen very quickly”(page 11).

Social media is something that has helped and made it easier for epidemics to start. Things like Twitter, Facebook, and Blogging help to create epidemics. For example in class we were told to participate in Blog Action Day. Blog Action Day was a day that allowed all bloggers to unite and talk about important information about our climate in hopes to cause change. As PR people I will be using these social mediums to connect and inform people.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Blog Action Day-Climate Change

Climate change is something that affects everyone around the world. Climate change doesn’t just mean a change in temperature. This issue affects and creates famine, wars, floods, and fires, among many other things. We have to make changes now.
Its funny I read someone’s Facebook status the other day that said “I guess there is no such thing as global warming since the hottest year was in 1998, not 2009.” Global warming is unpredictable weather changes, like floods, tsunamis, hurricanes and sometimes raising temperatures, as well as decreasing temperatures. Global warming does not necessarily mean drastically raised temperatures. It’s caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases resulting from human activity such as fossil fuel burning and deforestation. It’s important to understand that this is happening now, there’s no more time for questioning whether or not global warming is real. Our children are going to have to live with our mistakes. We need to change how we live our lives.
As a PR person I serve as a connector to raising awareness about climate change. It is my duty as a student and a PR person to start taking steps now to prevent any more damage to our environment. I want to work for a Green company because I want to make a difference. I want to be working for a company that understands and is making steps to control climate change. I don’t want to be the problem. I’m happy to see that the new trend for companies and products is to go Green. Hopefully everyone will soon catch on and start making changes before it’s too late.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Blog Action Day!

I just registered for Blog Action Day! I also am following on Twitter...I encourage everyone to get involved! Little things like this will make big changes!
This event reminds me of the book we are reading in PR Admin, The Tipping Point. The more people pass the word the more "connectors" will hear about it! Blog Action Day is the tipping point for awareness and hopefully CHANGE in the way we treat our environment. This years topic is climate change. Blog Action Day is a chance for anyone and everyone to get involved-a chance to unite people across the world! Do your part and register today!
I feel as though since I am a PR student that is it my duty to participate. This is my future and I want a role in it! Since I am a PR student I have the skills and knowledge to make a difference...I mean come on it's called "public relations".

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Relay for Life Pitch

Congrats to everyone today! We had our Relay for Life Pitch for the kickoff in November. It is finally over! This semester our class paired off in teams and pitched our ideas for the kickoff. The Relay for Life committee picked my group's pitch! This years slogan will be, Celebrate a Memory, and every group's ideas will be used. We have gotten a lot of food donated and hopefully we will get the decorations donated too. We have gift certificates from Piggly Wiggly and Deanos pizza as well we some others. Thanks to everyone who is helping and who was involved in today's pitch! This event will be a lot of work, but I think our class will do awesome!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Facebook, still a growing social media?

According to Advertising Age, even though a lot of web 2.0 start ups aren't very profitable, Facebook is continuing to make money. They just crossed the 300 million dollar mark and they are still growing.
Facebook is such a huge social media. Parents, teachers, organizations, and companies are all now joining the Facebook madness. It is not something you can escape anymore. Companies are continuing to advertise on Facebook and people are continually joining, that Facebook is not going anywhere anytime soon.
Though, as the numbers for revenue and users grow, so does the need for a bigger company. Right now, Mr. Zuckerberg says that Facebook has only 1,000 employees, one employee for every 1 million users. If this continual growth keeps up, the company is going to have to do some serious re-modeling.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Public Relations Qualities

When it comes to being a PR professional I think it's important to have a wide array of skills. Between the new attributes and old attributes, it's important to have many of the skills listed on

Some of the skills I feel as though I have are of course writing, which is the most important skill of all. Every PR professional needs to know how to write. I also have good communication skills. I know how to talk to people, how to pitch ideas, how to speak in front of an audience, and how to persuade people. I'm a real straight-forward person. I don't mind working in groups and I'm always a "team" player. I'm also a very proactive person. I don't wait around for someone else to do the job. I like to have things in order and I like to have them done perfectly. My work ethic is another thing I pride myself on. I understand PR professionals don't usually have a 9-5 job. My PR classes now pretty much take over my life.

When it comes to "new" PR attributes I think I hold some pretty big ones. I know how to blog (obviously), I have just created a twitter account, or microblogging (thanks to Dr. Miller :)), and I am very involved with social networking, I have a facebook account.

Though, I still need some improvement in some of the areas on the list on I am not the best proofreader ever and I could also use help with understanding media relations. I know we went over media relations briefly in Writing for PR, but I don't think I fully understand the whole idea. I also am not aware of RSS, SEO, and coding. I have taken a few computer classes, but these technical computer terms still get me.

For class, I would like to brush up on some of my weaknesses and build my computer and Internet skills. I feel as though technology will play a huge role in PR in the future.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Why did I choose PR?

Ever since high school I remember always being interested in writing and really anything that dealt with Mass Communication. When I came to college I immediately declared my major and I have not changed it since. I love the Mass Comm. Department and I love my concentrations-Advertising and Public Relations.

I think my major will open up many opportunities for me in the future. It's a major that will allow you to get any job. Everyone needs a good PR person, right?
Find me on Twitter!

I'm Blogging...

I'm still trying to figure out this whole blogging thing. I think I have two blog accounts?? Anyways, I'm excited about PR Admin and learning more about blogging and tweeting:)