Corporate social responsibility is an issue many companies are facing today. It is also known as corporate citizenship, responsible business or sustainable responsible business. Whatever you call it, almost every large corporation embraces these ethical standards and international norms.
One company that is involved in this is CVS. In honor of Earth Day, CVS is donating five cents to the World Wildlife Fund for every GreenBag Tag sold in their store and GreenBag Tag holders are rewarded if they decline plastic shopping bags. They are starting this April 1st to support the WWF in helping protect the future of nature around the world.
The GreenBag Tag is a leaf-shaped tag that is made up of recycled materials and it is only 99 cents to purchase. This encourages CVS's ExtraCare card holders to use recycled bags or no bags at all when carrying out items bought at CVS.
To find out more about CVS and its role in the WWF check out this article:
Master Biscuit Maker
11 years ago