Monday, March 29, 2010

Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate social responsibility is an issue many companies are facing today. It is also known as corporate citizenship, responsible business or sustainable responsible business. Whatever you call it, almost every large corporation embraces these ethical standards and international norms.

One company that is involved in this is CVS. In honor of Earth Day, CVS is donating five cents to the World Wildlife Fund for every GreenBag Tag sold in their store and GreenBag Tag holders are rewarded if they decline plastic shopping bags. They are starting this April 1st to support the WWF in helping protect the future of nature around the world.

The GreenBag Tag is a leaf-shaped tag that is made up of recycled materials and it is only 99 cents to purchase. This encourages CVS's ExtraCare card holders to use recycled bags or no bags at all when carrying out items bought at CVS.

To find out more about CVS and its role in the WWF check out this article:

Monday, March 15, 2010

Mall Event

Our final event in PR has finally come! Our booth was set up this past Saturday, March 13 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Our booth was set up to promote
Courtney, Brooke and I got to the mall around 9 a.m. and set up all of the posters, hand-outs, and put together the "game". We also placed surveys on the table to gather information for research. We got at least 20 people to play our guessing game (guess how many businesses are in Milledgeville) and we passed out at least 50 hand-outs to people. We talked to so many people and I feel like we really accomplished what we were supposed to do. I feel like we left Digital Bridges with some good design work and some good PR work. Now its time to put together our final campaign book!
I'm excited to see everyone else's events!

Make sure you fan ShopLocalMilledgeville on Facebook!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Digital Bridges

So the day has come! My group, Brooke, Courtney and I, have worked so hard this semester brainstorming, creating, and planning our event that is this Saturday. Since this is our last PR class we wanted to make sure we learned everything we could from this last event before we are thrown out into the real world!
Over the past months we've met with our client, built a campaign and event, and created some PR pieces like posters, handouts, and kept up with Digital Bridges Facebook Fan page. I've learned so much about working with other people and time management.
Everyone in our class was split up into groups and our assignment was to promote a certain part of Digital Bridges. Some groups had to promote digital literacy, while our group was in charge of Digital Bridge's new endeavor, Shop Local Milledgeville. Some of our promotional material explained why it is important to shop local and our event is going to bring it all together. Our event is this Saturday from 10 a.m.- 5 p.m. at the Milledgeville Mall, so make sure you come stop by!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Dance Marathon-It's for the kids!

Dance Marathon is an event held every year at Georgia College & State University, as well as 80 other college campuses. This event celebrates raising money for local children's hospitals. One of the closest children's hospital to this campus is the Children's Hospital in Macon. My sorority, Phi Mu, visits the hospital as much as possible considering Children's Miracle Network is our philanthropy.

This year Dance Marathon will be on March 6, 2010 from 2 p.m. to 12 a.m. in Magnolia Ballroom. In past years the event was 12 hours standing on your feet doing activities to support the Children's Hospital, but this year it will only be held for 8 hours.

During the event, children from the hospital come visit and tell us their stories. We get to meet some of the kids and we play games throughout the whole day. During the 8 hours on our feet, someone leading the group will usually create a dance that everyone follows every so often. This dance keeps everyone going and ready for more! It's more like a "motivational" dance.

I have done Dance Marathon every year since I've known about it. I am really excited to spend my upcoming Saturday doing something beneficial for my community, helping the children at the local children's hospital.

Come out and support a good cause!